This is a very important scene because it will demonstrate how the character is violent and has traits of a psychopath. As I said in one of my previous blogs, Something that characterizes a person as a psychopath is his or her violence. We plan on establishing this violent trait throughout this scene to really emphasize his characteristics and problems.
Here are a few examples of the pictures but keep in mind there will be more then this on the wall:
This drawing is meant to show the backwards E symbol from the graveyard scene so that people can start making connections that the kid is related to the deaths of the family. I drew a face to resemble a creepy vibe.
This drawings main purpose is to show how he is violent by showing how he thinks about killing people through the picture. In the drawing we can see that it is a dead person who has blood coming out, which resembles violence and creepy actions.
This will stand out to many of the viewers because it is the exact same sequence that was played in the graveyard scenes when the bodies were lined up under a tarp, with a backwards E on their foreheads. This drawing serves as a connection between the two parts of the opening so that people will relate them.
This picture serves mainly to show the characters thoughts. We can see how he is violent by the words and the way he writes the words in an angry fashion. As we all know, normal people wouldn't do this and this is why this will help demonstrate that the kid is a psychopath who is very violent and creepy.
This last drawing showcases the E symbol to show its importance in the scene. Not only that, but it also shows a dead person with a backwards E on their foreheads, which relates the the graveyard scene as well.
As you guys can see by all the pictures they all have some aspects in common. These include the aspects of:
- violence
- psychopathic traits
- backwards E
- crumbled/ messed up papers
By including these traits in the drawings we hope to emphasize the fact that he is a psychopath. He is violent by the way he writes and the things he draws such as blood and dead people. We show his psychopathic traits by having messed up things on the paper that a normal person would never think about. By including the backwards E in most of the drawings we show how the symbol is important to the film. Lastly, all the pictures are crumbled and folded because it adds an emphasis to the creepy vibe of the film and shows how the character is violent. Not only that, but if you guys look closely you will see that the drawings are smudged which also adds a weird and creepy vibe.
Well guys that's it for today, but I also wanted to add that I started working on my CCR already and it is turning out great, I'll show you guys in a future blog how it is coming out because I don't want to overwhelm you with information today. Stay tuned!