Saturday, March 2, 2019

5 heads are better then one!

Welcome back to my blog guys and in my AICE Media Studies class today we did something new. We were assigned into different groups, not including members of our own, to explain the concept, story, props, and format of our opening. In my opinion, this was an extremely helpful activity because not only were the people in my group able to give me ideas from a different viewpoint, but also I was able to help them out as well and maybe even see if they were having the same problems as me.

Image result for teamwork

To begin with, the group was very helpful in discussing how I can resemble the presence of a psychopath and not lead the audience to think of something else. Since the beginning, my group and I have been wondering how we will lead the first part of our scene (gravestones) to the psychopath that will be in our movie. As you can see from my outline in the last post, we were thinking that the mom finds a paper, but this group meeting suggested that I show the whole room towards the end and the viewers will see a mark or a specific prop that demonstrates how he might one day kill his family. This was  very good idea because as they said, "the viewers wont have to make such a big inference" and I 100% agree with them.

Image result for teamwork

Another thing that we discussed in the group meeting was that the psychopathic character should be wearing all black or dark clothes to resemble a "dark side" in him. Also, in order to make the graveyard scene look realistic they suggested that I include flowers, a coffin maybe, and dark lights so that the rest of the background isn't seen.

All in all, I found this group meeting to be extremely helpful and the people involved were very friendly and overall gave me very good ideas to make the project seem realistic and have more purpose. As said in an article (click here to learn more about article)

"Effective feedback helps individuals to understand what they did well and what they could do better. Once they know what is good and what isn’t, they are able to adapt their behaviour and work to improve it. Thus, feedback is a key tool for improving both individual and team performance."

As we can see through feedback we learn how to improve ourselves and work, therefore, this is why this activity was extremely helpful and I hope to do this again in the future.

See you guys later on my next post!

(n.d.). Retrieved from

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