Sunday, March 17, 2019

Shooting Revisions!!

I'm back guys, and I have to say this week has been a very busy one for me, But I was still constantly planing and thinking about our project. Today, I'll be talking about our shooting schedule because we had to make revisions based on the amount of time we had.

Here is the new updated shooting schedule (I split it into three parts because we split our opening into three major areas):

- March 18 - 22 (One of these days or maybe two will be used to shoot, not sure about the specific date yet)

  • Markham Park
  • Shooting the whole first part of scene (headstones)
  • We will also go to a house near Windmill Ranches and ask if we can film for our establishing shots
- March 23 - 24
  • In the room of someones house (possibly Parker's)
  • We will shoot the whole second part during this day
- March 25
  • Any extra shooting we need
  • This will serve to replace any of the shots
The rest of the time will be used for editing and completing the CCR

As you guys can see we changed some things from the last one. Know that we know exactly what the story consists of we know the scenes we have to film, so we split it up according to the lengths of the scenes. Not only that, but we also planned to have one day meant for re shooting just in case we decide to change any of the shots. As you guys can also see, there is a section in red. We added this because we're not sure what days we'll be able to film during those days and therefore, that section is just a range of the days we will choose from.

I was looking online and I found this quote on shooting schedules:

"A shooting schedule is an exact timeline of how much time will be needed to complete the shoot and on which dates you are going to shoot.... Scheduling will help you to shoot the scenes in accordance to the location and make the production a hassle free process."

This shows the importance that they have because not only so we have to take into consideration everyone's lives and commitments, but we also have to plan exact so that when the shooting takes place it's quick and easy. This is why we have put so much time into the planing and shooting of the scenes. For more info on the article click here.

Related image

Verma, S., & Verma, S. (2018, February 05). 10 THINGS WILL DESCRIBE WHY PRE-PRODUCTION IS IMPORTANT IN FILMMAKING. Retrieved from

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